What is Feminine Energy?
Feminine energy is one aspect of a whole. Regardless of our gender, this energy is non binary. As human beings we all have masculine and feminine energy.
We need both for balance and harmony.
One is not better than the other.
In our society, generally we are dominated and imbalanced with an over abundance of masculine energy,
Masculine energy is production, "do"-ing, achieving, climbing up the ladder, grinding, hustle.
Feminine energy is relaxation, receiving, nurturing, flowing.
It is also energy of creativity, passion, seduction and aliveness.
The feminine is "BE"-ing.
We can all use more of that. Presence in the moment calms us, relieves stress, and creates more joy.
You can watch along in the quick video I made or read below for 3 techniques you can practice daily to connect to your feminine energy and get it flowing.
Womb Breathing
Sit in a comfortable position, sitting on the floor in a cross legged position or on your knees with a pillow behind your bum. Alternatively, you can sit straight backed in a chair. Make sure your legs and feet are uncrossed and feet are flat on the floor. You could also lay flat on the ground.
Be aware of your posture. Sit up as straight as possible. Shoulders down and relaxed.
Place one hand on your heart centre or chest, and the other hand on your belly or womb space.
Breathe in deeply through your nose pulling your breath into this energetic space and exhaling through your nose completely.
Repeat this at least 3 times. Do more as desired.
More about the Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is physically located in the abdomen, lower back, hips, genitals, and on the pubic bone. It represents our sexuality, emotions, creativity and self gratification.
Cat and Cow
On your hands and knees, be sure your hands are directly underneath your shoulders and your knees are directly underneath your hips for proper alignment.
When you inhale, you tilt your pelvis back arching your lower spine so your abdomen dips closer to the ground, look up, sticking chest out.
When you exhale, you tilt your pelvis forward , curving your spine back and up towards the sky. Head follows the spine coming down and you can also pull in your abdominal muscles.
Continue this fluid motion with each inhale and exhale at your own pace. You can practice this for 1 -3 minutes.
Use your breath to power you through it.
Hip Circles
These are the most fun and a movement I indulge in regularly! Hips are known to store repressed emotions. So moving them releases tension from the fascia and muscles, moving stuck energy and emotion.
From cat and cow position, you can start moving your hips in circular motions. Try different directions. Try figure 8 circular motions.
You can play here and move your hands and knees to different anchor points. This will allow different range of motion.
Continue to breathe!
These are just 3 of my favourite techniques to connect to my feminine energy and get it flowing through my body. It is amazing to notice how you feel even after spending 5 minutes with one or all of these techniques.

Who am I?
I'm a multi-dimensional human being whose mission is to live 'outside of the box', show others it’s possible, and raise awareness of the taboos and shame that exists in our society. My background is that of a nurse, holistic coach, yogi, dancer, solo mama, plant medicine explorer, and new author.
I'm passionate about giving permission to men and women to release shame, bypass anxiety, be moved to make waves, come home to stillness, and BE RADIANT.